Front Office CivE 122

Front Office Support

Office support within CEGE

Front Office Support

Office support within CEGE

CEGE has a great group of students in the front office who can help faculty and staff with a variety of tasks. Please feel free to reach out to them in person or via [email protected]. The types of tasks that they can help with are listed below. Also, ask if you need additional help on other small special projects.

- Welcome all visitors and direct them to their destinations
- Receive requests for and order office supplies
- All shipping-related activities
- Manage reservations for conference rooms and classrooms
- Distribute departmental keys to students, staff, faculty, and visitors
- Assign and maintain lockers
- Printing, class support
- Campus Club reservations
- Hotel reservations
- Other tasks as needed, reach out and ask

122 Civil Engineering Building
500 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455