Algebraic Geometry
More about algebraic geometry
Connected areas
Algebraic geometry in the department has strong connections to:
- Algebraic topology
- Symplectic geometry
- Algebraic number theory
- Quantum field theory
- String theory
- Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
- Several seminars in neighboring fields, such as the:
- Differential Geometry/Symplectic Topology Seminar
- Topology Seminar
- Lie Theory Seminar
- Occasional ad-hoc seminars — such as the recent Geometric Methods in Langlands Program Seminar and Condensed Mathematics Seminar — which are dedicated to hot topics deeply related to algebraic geometry.
David Favero
Associate Professor
[email protected]
algebraic geometry, derived categories, mirror symmetry
Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine
[email protected]
algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, Gromov-Witten theory
Kai-Wen Lan
[email protected]
number theory, automorphic forms, Shimura varieties and related topics in arithmetric geometry
William Messing
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]
p-adic Galois representations associated with algebraic varieties via étale cohomology, the connections between the latter and de Rham cohomology
Alexander Voronov
[email protected]
mathematical physics, algebraic topology, algebra, algebraic geometry