Make a Gift
Ways to give
You can contribute to the department's general fund, a named fund, or even create your own fund. Plus, estate gifts allow you to create a lasting legacy.
General fund
General fund
School of Mathematics General Fund
Supports the most urgent needs of the department, including financial support for students, faculty research, education and outreach initiatives, and other activities. Funds have supported activities ranging from departmental community-building events to faculty and graduate student recruiting to institutional membership dues.
Undergraduate scholarships
Undergraduate scholarships
Professor Hans H. Dalaker Fund in Mathematics
For undergraduate students studying Mathematics.
Hans G. and Sophie L. Othmer Scholarship
For outstanding undergraduate Mathematics students from Minnesota and first-generation college students (new in 2015).
Isaac Benjamin Segal Scholarship
For an undergraduate Mathematics student who demonstrates financial need and may be considered a "diamond in the rough", or one who has overcome obstacles of some kind in memory of Isaac Benjamin Segal, BS-'2011, Math (new in 2015).
J. Ian Richards Memorial Scholarship
In memory of former Math Professor Ian Richards; supports undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate merit in the School of Mathematics.
Professor Mark E. Gilquist Undergraduate Scholarship
To provide scholarships for students with the Mathematics Education specialization (new in 2015).
Rasmussen Family Scholarship
For full-time undergraduate students in the College of Science and Engineering who are studying mathematics with an actuarial emphasis, with a preference for supporting students who are from Minnesota.
William L. Hart Scholarship
Established in memory of former Math Professor William Hart, this fund provides one or more undergraduate scholarships to students enrolled in the School of Mathematics.
Chull Park Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
Supports undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Mathematics who demonstrate academic merit.
Graduate student fellowships
Graduate student fellowships
Graduate Fellowship Endowment in the School of Math
Created by the late Mathematics Professor Donald Kahn, this fellowship supports graduate student research and experimentation, as well as faculty teaching, research, and interdisciplinary work.
J. Ian Richards Memorial Scholarship
In memory of former Mathematics Professor Ian Richards; supports undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate merit in the School of Mathematics.
Mark Feshbach Fellowship
In memory of former Mathematics Prof. Mark Feshbach; supports graduate students in the School of Mathematics who demonstrate exceptional potential in their field.
Naresh C. Jain Fellowship
In memory of former Mathematics Prof. and Department Head Naresh Jain; supports graduate students enrolled in the School of Mathematics.
Ruth Kahn Fellowship
In memory of Ruth Kahn, mother of former Mathematics Professor Donald Kahn; supports graduate students enrolled in the School of Mathematics.
Willard Miller Jr. Fellowship
Supports graduate students in the School of Mathematics who demonstrate exceptional potential in their field.
Vanky Men Fellowship in Mathematics
University of Minnesota alumnus, Dr. Samuel Albert (PhD , Mathematics), created this fund in recognition of Vanky Men's dedication to the education of her children. She arrived in America after rescuing her children from the savagery of the Khmer Rouge and worked hard so they could have a better life and prosper in America. She always gave of herself for the benefit of future generations. Continuing her legacy of giving, this fund provides support for full-time Ph.D. students in the College of Science and Engineering's School of Mathematics, especially those pursuing research in applied mathematics.
Jean Roberts Fellowship
Supports graduate students enrolled in the School of Mathematics.
Travelers Master of Financial Mathematics Fellowship
Created by Travelers Companies, Inc., supports graduate students enrolled in a degree program in the Master of Financial Mathematics Program in the School of Mathematics, who are in good academic standing with exceptional potential in their field.
Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (MCFAM)
Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (MCFAM)
Actuarial Science Program Fund
General operating support of the actuarial science program.
Master of Financial Mathematics (MFM) Fund
General programmatic support for the MFM (Master of Financial Mathematics) program within MCFAM (Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics) and the School of Mathematics.
MCFAM Fund for Excellence
To support MCFAM (Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics) programming including but not limited to the development and launch of new programs, activities and research, including lectureships, symposiums, travel funding for students, innovative academia-industry collaborations, research projects, and other experiential learning and research activities.
Securian Fund for MCFAM Scholarly Activities
Provides stipends for Master of Financial Mathematics and/or Actuarial students; creates an interactive venue for industry panels, supports seminars and networking events, lecturers, residencies and other academic research.
Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP)
Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP)
MathCEP General Fund
Provides opportunities for Minnesota’s top young math students to expand their interest in and understanding of mathematics, science and engineering. Gifts provide critical scholarship support to talented students of financial need, allow our summer enrichment programs and school-year offerings to reach more students, and support targeted programming to groups that have historically been underrepresented in math and science.
Supports the University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program (UMTYMP), one of the nation's premier accelerated programs for high-school students highly talented in mathematics. The program allows middle and high school students to spend up to five years taking UMTYMP (pronounced “um-tee-ump”) math courses on the University campus, starting with Algebra, and continuing through Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis.
Minnesota Center for Industrial Mathematics (MCIM)
Minnesota Center for Industrial Mathematics (MCIM)
Supports efforts to introduce Math students to mathematical work in industry, positioning them to be the next generation of leaders. Gifts support activities ranging from seminars whose speakers are mathematicians working in industry to summer internship opportunities for graduate students.
Faculty endowments and symposia funds
Faculty endowments and symposia funds
Donald W. Kahn Professorship in Mathematics
Dr. Phyllis L. Kahn, former member of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party and House of Representatives, established this fund in 2019 in honor of her late husband, Donald William Kahn, a former faculty member in the School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota. The purpose of the Fund is to assist the University in recruiting, supporting, and retaining outstanding faculty members in the School of Mathematics.
Albert and Dorothy Marden Professorship in Mathematics
Former Mathematics Faculty Albert Marden and Dorothy Marden created this fund in 2016 to support the appointment of two Marden Professors in the School of Mathematics. Marden Professorships will be awarded to tenured faculty whose contributions to the field of mathematics are considered exceptional.
James B. Serrin Endowment
For enhancement of mathematics and scholarship, particularly in pure and applied analysis. More about James B. Serrin.
Rivière-Fabes Fund
Established in memory of former Mathematics Prof. Nestor Rivière and former Mathematics Prof. and Department Head Eugene Fabes. this fund brings distinguished mathematicians to the University to enhance research programs in mathematics. More about the Rivière-Fabes Symposium on Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (held annually).
Samuel G. Ordway Chair in Mathematics
This award is given to a distinguished mathematician not presently on the faculty who will become a permanent faculty member of the School of Mathematics dedicated to graduate education and research. More about the Ordway Visitors Program.
Yamabe Memorial Symposium Fund
Established in memory of former Mathematics Professor Hidehiko Yamabe, this fund provides outstanding graduate students an opportunity to attend lectures in a specific area of geometric study. More about the Yamabe Memorial Symposium (held biannually).
Lexi Thompson
Associate Director of Advancement, College of Science and Engineering
[email protected] | 612-626-0004