Graduate Student Directory

Marie Akins Headshot
MS Program (area: Mathematics Education)
19 Vincent Hall
MS Program
Robbie Angarone
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
424 Vincent Hall
Gisell Ayala-Corral
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
520 Vincent Hall
Connor Bass
PhD program (area: algebra)
505 Vincent Hall
Daniela Beckelhymer headshot
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
550 Vincent Hall
Sarbartha Bhattacharya
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
505 Vincent Hall
Ratul Biswas headshot
PhD program (area: probability & stochastic processes)
454 Vincent Hall
PhD program
Tori Braun 2022 headshot
PhD program
552 Vincent Hall
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
550 Vincent Hall
MS Program
PhD program (area: mathematical biology)
559 Vincent Hall
Headshot photograph of Elise Catania
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
524 Vincent Hall
PhD program
Shan Chen
PhD program (area: partial differential equations)
522 Vincent Hall
Judy (Hsin-Hui) Chiang headshot
PhD Program
555 Vincent Hall
Cristian Camilo Chica Castaño
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
524 Vincent Hall
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
320 Vincent Hall
Adam Cohen
PhD Program (area: differential geometry)
556 Vincent Hall
Frank Cole headshot
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
Patricia Commins
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
526 Vincent Hall
Anthony Cortez headshot
PhD program (area: dynamical systems & differential equations)
522 Vincent Hall
Garrett Credi
PhD Program (area: algebraic topology)
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
360 Vincent Hall
Jake Daniels
PhD Program (area: partial differential equations)
556 Vincent Hall
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
Mathieu de Langis
PhD program (area: algebraic topology)
557 Vincent Hall
Katherine (Kat) DeGroot headshot
MS program (area: mathematics education)
19 Vincent Hall
David DeMark
PhD program (area: algebraic topology)
506 Vincent Hall
MS Program
PhD program (area: algebraric topology)
Devraj Duggal
PhD program (area: probability & stochastic processes)
505 Vincent Hall
MS Program
PhD Program
MS program
MS Program (area: algebraic topology)
MS Program
Danae Sarahi Galan Covarrubias
PhD program (area: data science)
424 Vincent Hall
Nellie Garcia photo
PhD program (area: algebraic geometry)
550 Vincent Hall
Casey Garner
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
506 Vincent Hall
PhD Program
PhD program
555 Vincent Hall
Zhengyi Gong
PhD program (area: probability & stochastic processes)
454 Vincent Hall
Annika Gonzalez-Zugasti
PhD program
559 Vincent Hall
PhD Program (area: Data Science)
Emily Gullerud
PhD program (area: algebra)
524 Vincent Hall
Abby Halverson
PhD program
552 Vincent Hall
PhD program (area: algebraric topology)
559 Vincent Hall
PhD program
426 Vincent Hall
Yan Huang headshot
PhD program (area: numerical analysis)
322 Vincent Hall
Robi Huq headshot
PhD program
420 Vincent Hall
PhD Program
PhD Program
552 Vincent Hall
Trevor K. Karn
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
Meagan Kenney
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
550 Vincent Hall
Ali Khalili
MS Program
522 Vincent Hall
Heejune Kim
PhD program (area: probability & stochastic processes)
506 Vincent Hall
HyeKyung Kim
PhD program (area: dynamical systems & differential equations)
503 Vincent Hall
E Koenig
PhD program (area: analysis)
555 Vincent Hall
Tianyu Kong
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
320 Vincent Hall
PhD Program
Hao Lan headshot
PhD program (area: partial differential equations)
422 Vincent Hall
Headshot of Pouya Layeghi
PhD program (area: algebraic geometry)
360 Vincent Hall
PhD program
456 Vincent Hall
Aaron Li
PhD program (area: mathematical biology)
424 Vincent Hall
Nan Li
PhD program
420 Vincent Hall
PhD program
422 Vincent Hall
Zhaolin Li
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
557 Vincent Hall
PhD Program (area: partial differential equations)
Grayson Light
PhD Program
506 Vincent Hall
Diyi Liu
PhD program (area: numerical analysis)
320 Vincent Hall
Lina Liu
PhD program (area: differential geometry)
520 Vincent Hall
PhD program
PhD program
360 Vincent Hall
Emily Lopez
PhD Program (area: applied mathematics)
456 Vincent Hall
Dean Louizos
PhD Student (area: Applied Mathematics)
506 Vincent Hall
PhD Program
Te-Lun Lu headshot
PhD program (area: probability & stochastic processes)
454 Vincent Hall
David Luo
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
556 Vincent Hall
Ryan Lynch
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
506 Vincent Hall
MS Program
Marcella Manivel
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
MS Program
MS Program
PhD Program
Joseph McDonough headshot
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
424 Vincent Hall
Adolfo Medina
PhD program
522 Vincent Hall
Thomas Meyer headshot
PhD program
557 Vincent Hall
Daniel Miao
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
358 Vincent Hall
MS program
Headshot of Miranda Moore
PhD program
552 Vincent Hall
Sagnik Mukherjee
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
454 Vincent Hall
Anastasia Nathanson
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
Anthony Nguyen
PhD program (area: differential geometry)
PhD program (area: differential geometry)
456 Vincent Hall
Irene Noharinaivo
PhD program (area: partial differential equations)
520 Vincent Hall
Jasmine Noory
PhD Program
504 Vincent Hall
John O'Brien
PhD program (area: Lie theory)
358 Vincent Hall
PhD program
360 Vincent Hall
Carlos Osco Huaricapcha headshot
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
426 Vincent Hall
PhD program (area: algebraic topology)
503 Vincent Hall
Nels Parenteau
MS Program
545 Vincent Hall
MS program
MS Program
MS Program
PhD Program (area: differential geometry)
MS Program
Tobias Ramaswamy
PhD program (area: algebraic topology)
456 Vincent Hall
Ian Ruohoneimi
PhD program (area: analysis)
524 Vincent Hall
MS Program
PhD program (area: dynamical systems & differential equations)
370 Vincent Hall
Mykola Sapronov
PhD program (area: algebraic geometry)
Yorkinoy Shermatova
PhD program (area: dynamical systems & differential equations)
503 Vincent Hall
Dorian Smith
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
556 Vincent Hall
Sichen Song
MS program (area: applied mathematics)
522 Vincent Hall
Carolyn Stephen
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
550 Vincent Hall
Dash Stevanovich
PhD program
420 Vincent Hall
MS Program
Yuxuan Sun headshot
PhD program (area: combinatorics
555 Vincent Hall
Michael Thomas headshot
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
MS program
Eduardo Torres Davila
PhD program (area: algebra)
424 Vincent Hall
Lee Trent
PhD program
559 Vincent Hall
Ryan Tucker headshot
MS program (area: mathematics education)
19 Vincent Hall
MS program
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
Lilly Webster
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
358 Vincent Hall
Melissa Wei
PhD Program (area: algebraic topology)
555 Vincent Hall
Jerry Williams headshot
PhD program (area: applied mathematics)
320 Vincent Hall
Kaelyn Willingham
PhD program
526 Vincent Hall
PhD program
557 Vincent Hall
Shuhang Xue headshot
PhD program
422 Vincent Hall
MS Program
MS Program
Sergio Zapeta Tzul headshot
PhD program (area: partial differential equations)
522 Vincent Hall
Junyi Zhai headshot
PhD program (area: number theory & automorphic forms)
556 Vincent Hall
Gaohui (Francis) Zhang headshot
PhD program (area: numerical analysis)
322 Vincent Hall
Tianhao Zhang
PhD program (area: mathematical biology)
203B Vincent Hall
Sylvester (Wenze) Zhang
PhD program (area: combinatorics)
426 Vincent Hall
Simon Zhang
PhD Program (area: mathematical biology)
456 Vincent Hall
PhD Program
322 Vincent Hall