
Abigail Cardenuto
Finance Professional 2, School of Mathematics
127 Vincent Hall
Kevin Charles Photo
Academic Technologist, School of Mathematics
Carla Claussen
Undergraduate Services Coordinator, School of Mathematics
115 Vincent Hall
Student Services Coordinator, Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (MCFAM) and Undergraduate Mathematics Programs
115 Vincent Hall
 Shelley Kandola
Assistant Director, Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP), Lecturer, School of Mathematics
Katherine Dowd
Administrative Director, School of Mathematics , Assistant Director, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
127 Vincent Hall
Max Frank
Undergraduate Student Services Manager, School of Mathematics
112B Vincent Hall
Sumaya Hanafi
Academic Technologist, School of Mathematics and UNITE Distributed Learning
127 Vincent Hall
 Caitlin Knight
Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Mathematics
127 Vincent Hall
Aldis Kurmis
Finance Manager, School of Mathematics
127 Vincent Hall
Kate Lewis
Senior Academic Advisor (Undergraduate), School of Mathematics
115 Vincent Hall
Headshot of Melanie Lex
Communications Coordinator, School of Mathematics
127 Vincent Hall
Headshot of Max Manzo
Student Recruitment & External Relations Coordinator, Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP)
4 Vincent Hall
Jeremy Motz
UMTYMP & Enrichment Coordinator, Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP)
Fátima Naqvi
Executive Account Specialist, School of Mathematics
Nathaniel Nesheim-Case headshot
Workshop Coordinator and Administrative Assistant, School of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA)
127 Vincent Hall
Nefsin Pullis headshot
Research Accountant, School of Mathematics
127 Vincent Hall
Breanne Richins
FSA and Senior Actuarial Program Specialist, Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (MCFAM) , Education Specialist, School of Mathematics
262 Vincent Hall
Lynn Tran
Library Assistant, School of Mathematics
310 Vincent Hall
Derek Washington
Manager, Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP)
4 Vincent Hall