
Scot Adams
Professor, School of Mathematics
Professor, School of Mathematics
Greg Anderson
Professor, School of Mathematics
Doug Arnold
McKnight Presidential Professor, School of Mathematics
Rina Ashkenazi
Academic Director, Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Erkao Bao
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
356 Vincent Hall
Christine Berkesch
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Dmitriy Bilyk
Honors Program Liason, Professor, School of Mathematics
Sergey Bobkov
Professor, School of Mathematics
Ben Brubaker
Department Head, Professor, School of Mathematics
Jeffrey Calder
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Maria-Carme Calderer
Professor, School of Mathematics
Tsao-Hsien Chen
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Michelle Chu
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
253 Vincent Hall
Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine
Professor, School of Mathematics
Bernardo Cockburn headshot
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, School of Mathematics
Jack Conn
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
429 Vincent Hall
Adrian Diaconu
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Max Engelstein
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
David Farero
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Jasmine Foo
Associate Head, Northrop Professor, School of Mathematics
Paul Garrett
Professor, School of Mathematics
Gregory Handy
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
270C Vincent Hall
Headshot photograph of Dennis Hejhal
Professor, School of Mathematics
Mike Hill Headshot
Ordway Professor, School of Mathematics
Hao Jia headshot
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Dihua Jiang
Professor, School of Mathematics
Markus Keel
Professor, School of Mathematics
Ru-Yu Lai
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
 Kai-Wen Lan
Professor, School of Mathematics
Tyler Lawson
Professor, School of Mathematics
William Leeb
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
Gilad Lerman headshot
Data Science Lab Director, Minnesota Center for Industrial Mathematics (MCIM) & Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Professor, School of Mathematics
Tian-Jun Li
Professor, School of Mathematics
Headshot of Yulong Lu
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
Mitch Luskin headshot
Professor, School of Mathematics
Gennady Lyubeznik
Professor, School of Mathematics
Svitlana Mayboroda headshot
McKnight Presidential Professor and Northrop Professor, School of Mathematics
Richard McGehee
Professor, School of Mathematics
Richard Moeckel
Professor, School of Mathematics
Brian Mosher
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Portrait of Gregg Musiker
Director of Graduate Studies, Professor, School of Mathematics
Duane Nykamp
Director of Strategic Initiatives, Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP), Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Andrew Odlyzko
Professor, School of Mathematics
Peter Olver
Professor, School of Mathematics
Hans Othmer
Professor, School of Mathematics
Peter Polacik headshot
Professor, School of Mathematics
Karel Prikry
Professor, School of Mathematics
Pavlo Pylyavskyy
Professor, School of Mathematics
Victor Reiner
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, School of Mathematics
Jonathan Rogness
Director of Educational Programs, School of Mathematics, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Mikhail Safonov
Professor, School of Mathematics
Maru Sarazola
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
453 Vincent Hall
Arnd Scheel
Professor, School of Mathematics
Arnab Sen
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Steven Sperber
Professor, School of Mathematics
Dan Spirn Headshot
Director, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Professor, School of Mathematics
Vladimir Sverak headshot
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, School of Mathematics
Portrait of Alexander Voronov
Professor, School of Mathematics
Jiaping Wang headshot
Professor, School of Mathematics
Li Wang headshot
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Alexander Watson
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
Portrait of Peter Webb
Professor, School of Mathematics
Anna Weigandt
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
Mike Weimerskirch
Director of Educational Innovation, Mathematics Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP), Associate Professor, School of Mathematics
Craig Westerland
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics