Lina Liu receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (4/16/2024) – Four School of Mathematics graduate students were recently honored with recognition by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP). Lina Liu was awarded a fellowship, and Connor Bass, Daniel Miao, and Ian Ruohoniemi received honorable mentions.

Lina Liu joined the School of Mathematics in 2022 after completing her undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Advised by Prof. Erkao Bao, she is interested in studying symplectic geometry. “I think of this field as a melting pot of differential geometry, functional analysis, topology, algebraic topology, and beyond,” she says. “I am specifically interested in studying Morse homology, a classical topic in symplectic geometry that uses analysis on manifolds and algebraic topology.”

Lina serves the Mathematics community through Math Club, a student group organized by graduate students to support mathematics undergraduates. The club hosts weekly meetings that feature practical workshops, informal math competitions and trivia events, and opportunities to build connections with other math students. Lina says “I am grateful for the added time I have to continue to support undergraduate students through the Math Club! I know I'm only where I am today in my academic studies because of the gracious support of my mentors and friends, and I hope to pass that forward.”

The NSF GRFP recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions. The program also seeks to support the participation of underrepresented groups in STEM graduate studies. Connor Bass, Daniel Miao and Ian Ruohoniemi received honorable mentions for their applications. 

We congratulate all four mathematicians on this significant national academic achievement!
