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Michael Levin (left) and John Hourdos (right) study traffic

Which Route Home?


Do you check your GPS before heading into traffic? Traffic researchers Michael Levin and John Hourdos want to provide better traffic data. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposed that all new vehicles be required to broadcast basic safety messages (BSMs), such as the vehicle’s location, speed, and direction to help surrounding vehicles detect and avoid collisions. Researchers Michael Levin and John Hourdos believe that such information could also be used to learn about the state of traffic. They recently received a $250,000 research grant to develop their ideas.


Linderman's research increases infrastructure safety


CSE Assistant Professor Lauren Linderman's research is aimed at increasing infrastructure safety, including high tech monitoring of the current I-35W bridge.


Benton Johnson: Skyscraper Enthusiast


Alumnus Benton Johnson (BCE 2005, MS 2007), now a structural engineer at Skidmore, Owings &; Merril (SOM), has worked on some of the world's tallest buildings.


Stuck in Muck


Bill Arnold revealed that chemicals we use every day are hidden in the bottom of Minnesota lakes and have potential long-term impacts on aquatic systems. His presentation, “Stuck in the Muck: Our Household Chemical Footprint Revealed in Sediment Cores,” was part of CSE’s Curiosity Drives Progress Lecture Series.

Awards and Honors

Two Environmental Engineering Students Win Recognition


Samuel Lombardo (BCE 2019) received the 2019 Undergraduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry from the American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry.

Catherine French and Carol Shield

Faculty Profile: Catherine French & Carol Shield: Mavens of structures, students, and standards


Structural engineering professors Catherine French and Carol Shield have often collaborated. Both have been recognized as College of Science and Engineering Distinguished Professors, in which exceptional faculty are honored for their efforts and contributions to teaching, scholarly research, and genuine commitment to the College of Science and Engineering and its activities.

Diego de Bedout

One Student's Formula for Success: 'Put Yourself Out There!'


Diego De Bedout (BCE 2018; MS 2019) has developed a personal philosophy that helps make him one of CEGE’s most successful students. Ironically, dealing with failure is his key to success.

Laura Amundson
Alumni, Profiles

Alumni Profile: Laura Amundson, (BCE 1978) Vice President & Project Manager, WSP


Laura Amundson has been designing, inspecting, and rehabilitating bridges for more than 40 years. She still remembers her first class.

Ruth Jones
Student Activities

‘Part of This Together’: Alumna Powers Global Engagement


Ruth V. Jones is an avid supporter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) even though she herself is not an engineer. Jones, a University graduate in elementary education (1971), is passionate about education and about how international experiences shape students.

Braun Intertec
Student Activities

The Right Tool for the Job


Four local companies recently stepped up to supply some much-needed tool kits for Engineers Without Borders after the University of Minnesota student group realized its tool arsenal was no longer adequate for the growing scope of its projects.