84th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
This year, the 84th William Lowell Putnam competition will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 in Vincent Hall Room 16 on the East Bank Campus This is a test of mathematical creativity in problem solving, and is directed to students of science and engineering, as well as mathematics.
The exam consists of two three-hour sessions (9am - noon, and 2pm - 5pm), punctuated by a two-hour lunch break. While taking the exam, each participant works independently, and participation also includes a pledge not to post or discuss the exam questions online or otherwise before 7 p.m. (“8 p.m. EST”, which is the end of the exam on the West Coast) that day.
The questions posed in previous editions are posted (together with solutions) on the examination website, and the “Putnam Exam Archive” managed by Kiran Kedlaya (www.kskedlaya.org/putnam-archive/) displays many more.
You are eligible to compete if you are an undergraduate student currently studying here (even as a visiting student), do not already hold a Bachelor's degree (or its equivalent or superior), and have not already participated in four of the previous competitions.
Practice sessions will be held every Wednesday afternoon until the date of the exam, starting on October 11 from 2:30 - 4:00 in Vincent Hall 215.