Tylan-Oxidation Tube
Type: Deposition-Thermal
Description: Tube furnaces at ambient pressure for oxidation, annealing, and alloying.
Substrate Compatibility: Varying sizes allowed, from pieces, all the way up to 6 inch wafers. Strict contamination controls need to be observed.
Location: Keller-Bay 1
Badger Name: K1 Oxidation Tube 13 High Temp Tylan, K1 Oxidation Tube 14 Gate Oxide Tylan, K1 Oxidation Tube 15 General Tylan, K1 Oxidation Tube 16 Alloy Tylan
Supplemental Material: Tube 13 SPC Chart, Tube 14 SPC Chart, Tube 15 SPC Chart
Training: Review the SOP prior to requesting training.