CS&E Colloquium: Fundamental Problems in AI: Transferability, Compressibility and Generalization
The computer science colloquium takes place on Mondays and Fridays from 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. This week's speaker, Tomer Galanti (MIT), will be giving a talk titled "Fundamental Problems in AI: Transferability, Compressibility and Generalization".
In this talk, we delve into several fundamental questions in deep learning. We start by addressing the question, "What are good representations of data?" Recent studies have shown that the representations learned by a single classifier over multiple classes can be easily adapted to new classes with very few samples. We offer a compelling explanation for this behavior by drawing a relationship between transferability and an emergent property known as neural collapse. Later, we explore why certain architectures, such as convolutional networks, outperform fully-connected networks, providing theoretical support for how their inherent sparsity aids learning with fewer samples. Lastly, I present recent findings on how training hyperparameters implicitly control the ranks of weight matrices, consequently affecting the model's compressibility and the dimensionality of the learned features.
Additionally, I will describe how this research integrates into a broader research program where I aim to develop realistic models of contemporary learning settings to guide practices in deep learning and artificial intelligence. Utilizing both theory and experiments, I study fundamental questions in the field of deep learning, including why certain architectural choices improve performance or convergence rates, when transfer learning and self-supervised learning work, and what kinds of data representations are learned in practical settings.