How much is a "like" worth? Engagement and Retention in an Online Health Community [conference paper]


The 23rd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) - October 20, 2020


Ruyuan Wan (M.S. student), Zachary Levonian (Ph.D. student), Svetlana Yarosh (associate professor)


Online health communities are designed to help their users acquire social support, but developing self-sustaining communities capable of providing that support requires long-term user retention. Therefore, understanding the factors early in a user's experience that predict their long-term retention is important. In this study, we explore the impact of short-term visitor engagement on long-term user retention. We study users of, an online health community for communicating about health journeys, using survival analysis methods to quantify the impact of engagement on retention. First, we explicitly compare the impact of non-text "likes'' to text comments, surprisingly finding that likes exceed comments in their impact on retention for some users. Second, we compare less active and more active users in their response to visitor engagement, finding that more active users are less affected by short-term visitor engagement. We discuss the implications of our findings for the design of OHCs and for future work on visitor engagement.

Link to full paper

How much is a "like" worth? Engagement and Retention in an Online Health Community


human computer interaction, social computing
