Repurpose open data to discover therapeutics for COVID-19 using deep learning [journal]


Journal of Proteome Research - July 12, 2020


Xiangxiang Zeng, Xiang Song, Tengfei Ma, Xiaoqin Pan, Yadi Zhou, Yuan Hou, Zheng Zhang, Kenli Li, George Karypis (professor), Feixiong Cheng


There have been more than 2.2 million confirmed cases and over 120 000 deaths from the human coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), in the United States alone. However, there is currently a lack of proven effective medications against COVID-19. Drug repurposing offers a promising route for the development of prevention and treatment strategies for COVID-19. This study reports an integrative, network-based deep-learning methodology to identify repurposable drugs for COVID-19 (termed CoV-KGE). Specifically, we built a comprehensive knowledge graph that includes 15 million edges across 39 types of relationships connecting drugs, diseases, proteins/genes, pathways, and expression from a large scientific corpus of 24 million PubMed publications. Using Amazon’s AWS computing resources and a network-based, deep-learning framework, we identified 41 repurposable drugs (including dexamethasone, indomethacin, niclosamide, and toremifene) whose therapeutic associations with COVID-19 were validated by transcriptomic and proteomics data in SARS-CoV-2-infected human cells and data from ongoing clinical trials. Whereas this study by no means recommends specific drugs, it demonstrates a powerful deep-learning methodology to prioritize existing drugs for further investigation, which holds the potential to accelerate therapeutic development for COVID-19.

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Repurpose open data to discover therapeutics for COVID-19 using deep learning


deep learning
