Transferring data over multiple network paths using decoupled sub-flows [patent]

Publication date

July 7, 2020


Subhabrata Sen, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Feng Qian (assistant professor), Yihua Guo


A request for a chunk of data is received from an application executing on a remote device. The chunk of data is split into a plurality of packets including a first packet and a second packet. A first sub-flow is selected to transport the first packet to the remote device and a second sub-flow is selected to transport the second packet. The first sub-flow is decoupled from the second sub-flow. A first stop time is selected for the first sub-flow and a second stop time is selected for the second sub-flow. The first stop time determines when the first sub-flow will complete at the remote device and the second stop time determines when the second sub-flow will complete at the remote device. The first stop time and the second stop time are selected so that the first sub-flow and the second sub-flow will complete simultaneously at the remote device.

Link to patent application

Transferring data over multiple network paths using decoupled sub-flows
