Department news

Louai Alarabi
Graduate news, Research, Student awards and honors

Ph.D. student Louai Alarabi wins ACM SIGSPATIAL Student Research Competition


Ph.D. student Louai Alarabi placed first in the ACM SIGSPATIAL Graduate Student Research Competition for his paper “Summit: A Scalable System for Massive Trajectory Data Management.”

Giraffe legs over camera

Citizen science projects have a surprising new partner—the computer


Computer machine learning techniques that teach the computer specific image recognition skills can be used in crowdsourcing projects to deal with massively increasing amounts of data—making computers a surprising new partner in citizen science projects.

Dan Knights standing next to a screen
Faculty awards and honors

U of M start-up CoreBiome acquired by OraSure Technologies, Inc


CoreBiome is based on discoveries by Computer Science & Engineering associate professor Dan Knights.

Woman standing in a field of tall grass

Immigration to the United States changes a person’s microbiome


The study of communities migrating from Southeast Asia to the United States, published in the scientific journal Cell, could provide insight into some of the metabolic health issues, including obesity and diabetes, affecting immigrants to the country.

People getting on a transit bus

University of Minnesota awarded federal grant to research autonomous vehicles


This research rethinks transportation services to enable smart, connected communities. The University of Minnesota’s project is one of only 13 projects chosen by NSF nationwide.

John Riedl headshot
Department news, Research

Professor John Riedl’s work stands the test of time


CS&E Professor John Riedl (posthumous) has been selected to receive the IEEE’s InfoVis 20 Year Test of Time Award for one of his most influential papers, “An Operator Interaction Framework for Visualization Systems.”

River running through city landscape

University of Minnesota to develop techniques for monitoring global change


The University of Minnesota announced today that it has received a three-year, $1.43 million grant from the National Science Foundation to advance machine learning techniques to better monitor global agricultural and environmental change—a practice that can help society address the challenges of adapting to a changing climate, managing land use and natural resources, and sustainably feeding a growing population.

Gini with robot arm

Professor Gini Receives NCWIT’s Research and Graduate Mentoring Award


Since joining the University of Minnesota, Professor Gini has established an international reputation for her research in robotics and artificial intelligence, and as a role model in mentoring students. She has become known as one of the outstanding advisors and teachers at the University, winning a number of awards starting with the Morse-Alumni Award in 1987.

Gene network map

First-ever study of triple gene combinations could help predict risk of disease


Like a giant game of Jenga, researchers reveal critical combinations of blocks that can cause a cell system to collapse.

City background with smart city web illustration

University of Minnesota secures $2.5 million grant to improve quality of life in cities


The National Science Foundation’s Smart and Connected Communities program includes outreach to K-12 teachers and students.