CRAY Colloquium: AI/ML at Uber: From Predictive to Generative Models

The computer science colloquium takes place on Mondays from 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. This week's speaker, Albert Greenberg (Uber), will be giving a talk titled "AI/ML at Uber: From Predictive to Generative Models".


Since Uber embarked on its journey of adopting AI back in 2015, AI has become an integral part of every facet of Uber's operations, and nearly every interaction users have with Uber's applications involves AI/ML models working behind the scenes. Albert Greenberg will share Uber's journey from predictive to generative AI.


As Uber’s VP of Platform Engineering, Albert oversees Engineering and Program Management teams that include Data Center, Compute, Networking, Storage, Data, Search, Monitoring, Developer Productivity, Engineering DEI, Tooling and Corporate IT Infrastructure. Albert serves as a member of Uber’s ELT, AI/ML Law and Ethics Strike (Artificial Intelligence Law & Ethics Council), Data Governance, Privacy & Cybersecurity Council, and is the Executive Sponsor for the company’s community of senior engineers that drive the evolution of Uber’s Engineering architecture, culture, and standards to be considerably more effective, reliable, and sustainable. 

Before Uber, Albert spent 15 years at Microsoft, as Technical Fellow and CVP for Microsoft Azure Networking, leading software and hardware development and engineering for all Microsoft Azure. Within Azure, Albert founded and led the network virtualization, datapath and physical data center network teams in Azure, as well as other teams in networking and monitoring. He worked in Microsoft Research to invent and prototype the data center networking technologies now widely deployed in Microsoft services and products. Albert joined Microsoft from Bell Labs and AT&T Labs Research, where he was an AT&T Fellow and Executive Director, and where he helped build the systems and tools for engineering and managing AT&T’s networks. Albert is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, an IEEE Kobayashi Award winner, ACM Fellow, ACM Sigcomm Award winner, ACM Test of Time Paper Award winner, and distinguished alumni of UW CSE.


Start date
Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, 11:15 a.m.
End date
Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, 12:15 p.m.
