Method and apparatus for controlling a roadway resource [patent]

Publication date

December 3, 2020


Brian S Amento, Matti A Hiltunen, Kaustubh Joshi, David P Kormann, Rajesh Krishna Panta, Kermit Hal Purdy, Thomas M Smith, Alex Varshavsky, Svetlana Yarosh (associate professor)


A method and computer-readable storage device and apparatus for controlling a roadway resource are disclosed. For example, the method receives from a device associated with a vehicle a request to reach a target destination by a target arrival time and a maximum payment amount to reach the target destination by the target arrival time. The method next determining a route to the target destination and determines a roadway resource along the route that is controllable. The method then sends an instruction to the device associated with the vehicle, where the instruction indicates to navigate the vehicle along the route and controls the roadway resource to enable the vehicle to reach the target destination by the target arrival time.

Link to patent application

Method and apparatus for controlling a roadway resource
