Sex bias in gut microbiome transmission in newly paired marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) [journal]


Msystems - April 28, 2020


Lifeng Zhu, Jonathan B Clayton, Mallory J Suhr Van Haute, Qinnan Yang, Haley R Hassenstab, Aaryn C Mustoe, Dan Knights (professor), Andrew K Benson, Jeffrey A French


Social behavior can alter the microbiome composition via transmission among social partners, but there have been few controlled experimental studies of gut microbiome transmission among social partners in primates. We collected longitudinal fecal samples from eight unrelated male-female pairs of marmoset monkeys prior to pairing and for 8 weeks following pairing. We then sequenced 16S rRNA to characterize the changes in the gut microbiome that resulted from the pairing. Marmoset pairs had a higher similarity in gut microbiome communities after pairing than before pairing. We discovered sex differences in the degrees of change in gut microbiome communities following pairing. Specifically, the gut microbiome communities in males exhibited greater dissimilarity from the prepairing stage (baseline) than the gut microbiome communities in females. Conversely, females showed a gradual stabilization in the rate of the gut microbiome community turnover. Importantly, we found that the male fecal samples harbored more female-source gut microbes after pairing, especially early in pairing (paired test, P < 0.05), possibly linked to sex bias in the frequencies of social behavior. From this controlled study, we report for the first time that pair-living primates undergo significant changes in gut microbiome during pairing and that females transmit more microbes to their partners than males do. The potential biases influencing which microbes are transmitted on the basis of sex and whether they are due to sex biases in other behavioral or physiological features need to be widely investigated in other nonhuman primates and humans in the future.

Link to full paper

Sex bias in gut microbiome transmission in newly paired marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)


bioinformatics, computational biology
