VeerEdge: Towards an Edge-Centric IoT Gateway [conference paper]


IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) - May 10-13, 2021


Udhaya Kumar Dayalan (Ph.D. student), Rostand AK Fezeu (Ph.D. student), Nitin Varyani (Ph.D. student), Timothy J Salo (Ph.D. student), Zhi-Li Zhang (professor)


As the plethora of Internet of Things (IoT) devices gradually make their way into our lives, several Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) have developed IoT gateway platforms (SDKs) that solely connects IoT devices to their respective cloud. Such gateways have 1) cumbersome IoT device configuration; 2) inflexible IoT data managements; and 3) support no/little cross-vendor edge computation and cloud analytics. We term these commercial gateway SDKs as cloud-centric. In this paper, we study the state-of-the-art vendor-locked IoT Gateway solutions and approaches and propose an edge-centric paradigm through an evolutionary framework, dubbed VeerEdge for developing IoT gateways. We leverage computing and storage capabilities at the network edge for edge-based device & IoT service management and data processing. We exploit availability of multiple cloud services for "best" IoT data analytics. Evaluation results show that VeerEdge achieves this with negligible overhead in terms of latency, CPU and RAM usage when compared to state-of-the-art industrial IoT gateways.

Link to full paper

VeerEdge: Towards an Edge-Centric IoT Gateway


networking, Internet of Things
