CSpotlight: Pairing Computing and Design

Why did you choose to study computer science specifically at the University of Minnesota?

I always knew I wanted to go into either technology or design, and that I wanted to stay close to home. After my first tour at the U and learning more about all of the programs I was interested in I felt it would be the perfect place for me to call home for the next 4 years.

How did you become interested in computer science? What made you decide to pursue a B.A. versus a B.S.?

 I originally planned to go to college for Graphic Design but was not fully committed at the time and I always had a love for technology, so I was a bit torn because I did not think I could do CS. After having a conversation with friends and family, they told me that if I have the opportunity to get coding experience and work hard at it then I should do it. After that, I decided pursuing Computer Science would be what I wanted to do.

I chose a B.A over a B.S. because I have a passion for art and design and CLA gives you more freedom to add those kinds of classes to your schedule alongside your technical courses. This is one of the reasons I was able to double minor in Interdisciplinary Design and User Experience. 

Tell us more about your work with the North Star STEM Alliance. How did you get involved with the organization?

I heard about NSSA through the student careers website when looking for a campus job back in the Spring. I applied for the Administrative Assistant role and have been there since June 2021. The Louis-Stokes North Star Stem Alliance is a national organization that strives to increase the number of underrepresented students receiving degrees in STEM programs and give them funding to go to conferences and do research. Some of the biggest conferences/student groups on campus that NSSA is most associated with include NBSE, SHPE, and SASE. I have loved every moment of working there and I am glad I get to be a part of a program that is so cool.

How did you get involved with SWE? How about Design U?  

I got involved with SWE because I wanted to be in a community where there were other women like me, who understood the experience of being a woman in STEM, and to have a big support system. Alongside SWE, I am also a part of ACM-W, and Alpha Sigma Kappa - Women In Technical Studies. Those are some of the best groups of people I have been around and a safe space for me.

I joined Design U because I wanted to dive deeper into my creative side and do hands-on work with other designers. Working with clients has given me a good understanding of what it will be like to have a full time job after graduation.

What advice do you have for incoming computer science students?

It is okay if you don’t know what you want to do yet, use your first couple years to take classes that sound interesting. It took me almost 2 years to really find what I wanted to do within the field of CS. Talk to your professors, TAs, older CS students, and network early on so you can get letters of recommendation. Also, GO TO OFFICE HOURS. They are there for a reason! I never went my freshmen year because I was too nervous and didn’t want to ask “stupid” questions, but I have learned no question is ever stupid if it helps you understand the concept better.

What are your plans after graduation?

After I finish my degree in Spring of 2023, my hopes are to either go to grad school for my M.S. in Computer Science, or work at a startup as a front-end developer or web designer. It’s very up in the air but I will be using the rest of junior year and senior year to solidify my future plans!
