Department news

Dr. Rose Ogutu works with local farmers in a workshop
AI for a Changing World, Research

AI-CLIMATE: Broadening Participation in Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry


In addition to broadening participation within farming and forestry communities, Ogutu, Roop and Gini’s work will help develop and educate a diverse AI workforce.

Zhi-Li Zhang poses in Keller Hall
AI for a Changing World, Research

Zhi-Li Zhang Earns $4.25 Million NSF Grant for Autonomous Vehicle Research


The project aims to facilitate safe and incremental adoption of tele-operated AVs to address societal challenges in transportation, while accelerating AV technology towards full autonomy.

Chad Babcock, Vipin Kumar, Shashi Shekhar, David Mulla, and Zhenong Jin
AI for a Changing World, Research

AI-CLIMATE Institute: Curbing Climate Change with Artificial Intelligence


CS&E Professor Shashi Shekhar is leading a $20 million National AI-CLIMATE Institute aimed at tackling climate change through the agriculture and forestry industries. Check out the full story in Soundbyte Magazine!