Department news

Robert Bodor headshot
Alumni news

Alumni spotlight: Robert Bodor


Bodor (Ph.D. 2005) is the new President & CEO of Protolabs, a leading digital manufacturer of custom parts. Read his reflections on his time at the University and his professional journey so far.

James Mooney holding award certificate
Graduate news, Student awards and honors

James Mooney wins the 2021 Riedl TA award


The M.S. student was selected for his effort, dedication, and service to the students in Intro to Parallel Computing (CSCI 5451). 

Square photo with headshots of Nick Heller, Zachary Levonian, & Jae Shin Yoon, plus the CS&E logo
Graduate news, Student awards and honors

Three Ph.D. students named Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships


Ph.D. students Nicholas Heller, Zachary Levonian, and Jae Shin Yoon have received the highly competitive Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

Rahul Bhojwani headshot
Graduate news, Research, Student awards and honors

CS&E grad student targets ‘mindful productivity’ with Turia app


Ph.D. student Rahul Bhojwani was named a finalist in the U of M’s Acara Challenge for his project aimed at increasing productivity and reducing stress.

Hui Xiong headshot
Alumni news

Alumni Hui Xiong promoted to Distinguished Professor


Xiong (Ph.D. 2005) is also the Director of Rutgers Center for Information Assurance at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

Caleb Feltis headshot
Student awards and honors, Undergraduate news

CS&E undergraduate student Caleb Feltis wins Boren scholarship


He is a senior honors student in the College of Liberal Arts, with a triple major in computer science, linguistics, and French studies.

NSDI 2021 logo

New papers from CS&E researchers shared at NDSI '21


Assistant Professor Feng Qian and Ph.D. student Yi Ding collaborated on papers for the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation.

Jared Willard headshot
CSpotlight, Graduate news

CSpotlight: Saving the planet with data science


Ph.D. student Jared Willard is committed to computing for the public good, and is currently using data mining techniques to track and predict water temperatures.

Cowbot (an autonomous mower) in the field
Media coverage, MnRI, Research

COVID-19 can't stop the Cowbot autonomous mower!


The project is a collaboration between the West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC), The Toro Company, and CS&E's Robotic Sensor Networks Lab.

Volkan Isler headshot

Professor Isler featured in UMN Plant Breeding Seminar series


In the talk, he discusses how plant breeding and agriculture is an interesting research domain for robotics, and shares examples of relevant work from his lab.