Physics & Astronomy Faculty

The School of Physics & Astronomy is housed primarily in two buildings on the Twin Cities East Bank Campus,
John T. Tate Hall (Tate) and the Physics and Nanotechnology building (PAN).

For other building locations, see the University of Minnesota Campus Maps website.

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Jon Anderson
Instructor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-20 John T. Tate Hall
Victor Boantza
Director of Undergraduate Studies for HSTM, School of Physics and Astronomy, Associate Professor
130-29 John T. Tate Hall
Pete Border
Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy
Blonde woman with black coat
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-13 John T. Tate Hall
maroon and gold flowers
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
Man on an adventure
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
Therea Chmiel
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-22 John T. Tate Hall
Andrey Chubukov
William I. and Bianca M. Fine Chair in Theoretical Physics, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
275-19 John T. Tate Hall
Michael Coughlin headhot
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
275-02 John T. Tate Hall
Man with cool sunglasses
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
415 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Professor Paul Crowell
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
220 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Lauching woman standing in front of a whiteboard covered in equations
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
327 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Dan Dahlberg in his office
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
219 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Lucy Fortson
Associate Head of School of Physics and Astronomy, Professor
285-14 John T. Tate Hall
Andrew Furmanski
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
346 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Robert Gehrz
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
270 John T. Tate Hall
Tony Gherghetta
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
375-14 John T. Tate Hall
maroon and gold flowers
Researcher 6/ Instructor
201-25 John T. Tate Hall
Lindsey Glesener
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
262 John T. Tate Hall
Hart Goldman
Assistant Professor
130-23 John T. Tate Hall
Martin Greven
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
242 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
maroon and gold flowers
Teaching Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
419 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Professor J. Woods Halley
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-15 John T. Tate Hall
Shaul Hanany headshot
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy and Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
316 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Ken Heller
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
348 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Michel Janssen crossing arms, wearing a blue, button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-27 John T. Tate Hall
Thomas W. Jones
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
Tate 285-02; Walter Library 411
Jim Kakalios
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Head of School of Physics and Astronomy
352 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Alex Kamenev
Director, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
275-16 John T. Tate Hall
Person with dark blue shirt smiling in front of a bookcase
Distinguished University Teaching Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
375-16 John T. Tate Hall
Patrick Kelly
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, MIfA Director of Graduate Studies
285-12 John T. Tate Hall
Zhen Liu
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
375-22 John T. Tate Hall
Robert Lysak
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
285-18 John T. Tate Hall
man wearing brown jacket
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
328 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Man in red shirt sitting at a desk
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Associate Head
427 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Ben Margalit
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
285-04 John T. Tate Hall
Man wearing half zip sweater and glasses
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
330 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
 Katrina Marslender
130-20 John T. Tate Hall
Smiling man wearing sunglasses sitting outside
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
226 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Joachim Mueller profile photo
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
418 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
man wearing grey flannel
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
416 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Keith Olive
Gloria Becker Lubkin Chair in Theoretical Physics, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Member, Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
275-18 John T. Tate Hall
happy man with glasses
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
344 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Natalia Perkins
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-19 John T. Tate Hall
Maxim Pospelov
Professor, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
275-17 John T. Tate Hall
Sudhakar Prasad
Visiting Professor
222 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Vlad Pribiag
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
214 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
man wearing glasses on top of his head standing in front of trees in the fall
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
318 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
man in blue and white flannel with glasses
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
413 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
man wearing bright blue shirt in front of bookshelf
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
375-18 John T. Tate Hall
Serge Rudaz
Morse-Alumni University Distinguished Teaching Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
375-20 John T. Tate Hall
Roger Rusack
430 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
M. Claudia Scarlata
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Director , Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
285-08 John T. Tate Hall
Mikhail Shifman
Ida Cohen Fine Chair in Theoretical Physics, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
275-08 John T. Tate Hall
Boris Shklovskii
A.S. Fine Chair in Theoretical Physics, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
275-10 John T. Tate Hall
Professor Evan Skillman
CSE Distinguished Professor
285-16 John T. Tate Hall
Nadja Strobbe
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
428 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Ali Sulaiman
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
285-20 John T. Tate Hall
smiling man wearing blue shirt
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-25 John T. Tate Hall
man sitting in a bus
Director of Graduate Studies, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
130-17 John T. Tate Hall
Ke Wang
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
228 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Mike Wilking
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
354 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Person with glasses smiling at camera
Director of Undergraduate Studies for MIfA, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
285-10 John T. Tate Hall
man with big hair and big beard smiling
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
285-06 John T. Tate Hall
Man with a glorious mustache
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
428 Walter Library
Teaching Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Director, Undergraduate Studies
421 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Cava lab
Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
216 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
Michael Zudov
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
224 Physics And Nanotechnology Building