Latest research projects, publications, and talks
EMP: Edge-assisted Multi-vehicle Perception [conference paper]
27th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom 2021)
MC-DGCNN: A Novel DNN Architecture for Multi-Category Point Set Classification [preprint]
Majid Farhadloo (Ph.D. student), Carl Molnar (M.S. student), Gaoxiang Luo (undergraduate research assistant), Yan Li (Ph.D. student), Shashi Shekhar (professor), Rachel L Maus, Svetomir N Markovic, Raymond Moore, Alexey Leontovich
Identification and characterization of a fungal-selective glutaminyl tRNA synthetase inhibitor with potent activity against Candida albicans [journal]
Alice Xue, Amanda Veri, Xiang Zhang, Ci Fu, Emma Lash, Kali Iyer, Nicole Revie, Nicole Robbins, Charles Boone, Chad Myers (professor), Leah Cowen
Access Microbiology
About a Proof Pearl: A Purported Solution to a POPLMARK Challenge Problem that is Not One [preprint]
Gopalan Nadathur (professor)
Perceptions of Visual and Multimodal Symbolic Mediated Social Touch: Role of Technology Modality, Relationship, and Task Emotional Salience [journal]
Svetlana Yarosh (associate professor), Xizi Wang, Yuan Yao
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
A Label Correction Algorithm Using Prior Information for Automatic and Accurate Geospatial Object Recognition [conference paper]
Weiwei Duan, Yao-Yi Chiang (associate professor), Stefan Leyk, Johannes H. Uhl, Craig A. Knoblock
IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData)
Guided Generative Models using Weak Supervision for Detecting Object Spatial Arrangement in Overhead Images [conference paper]
Weiwei Duan, Yao-Yi Chiang (associate professor), Stefan Leyk, Johannes H. Uhl, Craig A. Knoblock
IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData)
AggNet: Cost-Aware Aggregation Networks for Geo-distributed Streaming Analytics [conference paper]
Dhruv Kumar (Ph.D. student), Sohaib Ahmad, Abhishek Chandra (professor), Ramesh Sitaraman
6th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing
Early Stopping for Deep Image Prior [preprint]
Hengkang Wang (Ph.D. student), Taihui Li (Ph.D. student), Zhong Zhuang (Ph.D. student), Tiancong Chen (Ph.D. student), Hengyue Liang, Ju Sun (assistant professor)
TempoQR: Temporal Question Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs [preprint]
Costas Mavromatis (Ph.D. student), Prasanna Lakkur Subramanyam, Vassilis N Ioannidis, Soji Adeshina, Phillip R Howard, Tetiana Grinberg, Nagib Hakim, George Karypis (professor)