Honors and Awards
2023: SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award
2019: SIGCHI Academy
2017: McKnight Professorships
2009: ACM Distinguished Engineers, Scientists, and Members
Selected Grants
Community-Engaged Design and Implementation of a Framework for Ethical Online Communities Research
Terveen, L., Yarosh, S., Chancellor, S., Konstan, J., Lu, K.; National Science Foundation, 1/1/23-12/31/25
CHS: Small: Incorporating and Balancing Stakeholder Values in Algorithm Design
Terveen, L. G., Snyder, M. & Wu, S.; Carnegie Mellon University, 8/1/19 - 8/31/23
SoCS: Collaborative Research: Novel Algorithms and Interaction Mechanisms to Enhance Social Production
Terveen, L. G. & Walker, S. K.; National Science Foundation, 8/1/12 - 7/31/16