Department news

Shana Watters poses in Keller Hall
Faculty awards and honors

Shana Watters Earns the Women’s Center Charlotte Striebel Equity Award


The award recognizes a University of Minnesota faculty or staff member who goes above and beyond daily responsibilities to promote access for the common good, to undo bias and discrimination, or to build capacity for diverse and equitable campus communities.

Yixuan posing with her cat
Student awards and honors

Yixuan Wang Wins Best Student Paper at IEEE Conference


Yixuan Wang wins the best student paper award at the 2023 IEEE conference.

Chad Myers poses in Keller Hall
AI for a Changing World, Research

Chad Myers Harnesses AI to Improve Disease Prediction from Genetic Sequences


The majority of genome-wide association studies focus on one-to-one relationships between genes and diseases. Myers’ work focuses on combinations of variants to better explain the relationship between a person’s gene’s and specific diseases.

Dan Knights poses in Keller Hall
AI for a Changing World, Research

Dan Knights Utilizes AI to Predict Emissions on Ships


Shipping accounts for a significant fraction of the total global carbon emissions, and most ships in the ocean are not currently required to report their emissions or fuel efficiency. Knights’ work is intended to help paint a fuller picture of the actual shipping emissions for individual vessels.

Maria Paula Cadena Amortegui

Creating a Safe Space for Hispanics in STEM


Maria Paula Cadena Amortegui works to create a space for Hispanic women in STEM

Broadening participation

Meet the 2023-24 CS-IDEA Committee


Our mission is to to attract and retain diverse students, staff, and faculty in computer science and engineering and help all students, staff, and faculty thrive within the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota.

Ju Sun poses in Keller Hall
AI for a Changing World, Research

Ju Sun Receives $4.5M in Funding for Medical AI Projects and Beyond


Sun’s lab GLOVEX works at the intersection of machine and deep learning, numerical optimization, computer vision, and data science, with an aspiration to push the frontiers of AI in order to tackle major unsolved problems in science, engineering, and medicine.

(l-r) Harmanpreet Kaur, Loren Terveen, Joseph Konstan and Stevie Chancellor
AI for a Changing World, Research

GroupLens: A Human-Centered Approach to AI


With the emergence of publicly-available AI tools like ChatGPT, the world is abuzz with the possibilities and risks that AI brings to the table. Embedding human values into AI systems is a necessary and complicated step that involves a variety of technical and societal factors.

Yoga Varatharajah poses in Keller Hall
AI for a Changing World, Research

Yoga Varatharajah Combats Clinician Burnout with Artificial Intelligence


Working with clinicians at the U of M Medical School and Mayo Clinic, Varatharajah aims to develop AI methods to help interpret tests, optimize treatment decisions, and improve patient outcomes.

Rhett Olson posing in the CS&E building
Student awards and honors

CS&E Undergraduate Rhett Olson Wins Student Research Competition at ACM SIGSPATIAL


Rhett Olson creates a new system that will make it easier for historians to find the different changes in maps over time.