Banner header

The banner header is a specialized widget designed exclusively for unit landing pages. It is a required component on these pages and consists of four elements:

  • Banner Image
  • Title Text
  • Lead-in Text
  • Optional Callout Buttons

Example of a Unit Landing Banner Header

Example of a unit landing banner header
Example of a banner header widget on a unit landing page


Banner Header Components

The banner header is made up of three primary components:

  1. Banner:
    This is the background image of the header.
    Recommended size: 2000x885 pixels
  2. Lead-in:
    Text that appears beneath the page title on a background. You can select one of the following background colors:
    • Gold
    • Gray
    • Red
  3. Callout (Optional):
    Circular buttons used to emphasize content or link to other pages. You can configure:

    • A single large callout
    • Up to three smaller callouts

    Each callout allows customization of:

    • Icon
    • Text
    • Link

How to Edit the Banner Header

Screenshot of the banner header edit window
Screenshot of the banner header edit window

To edit or add a banner header, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Editor:
    • Click the Edit button in the banner header section to modify an existing banner.
    • If you're creating a new unit landing page, click Add Banner Header to create an empty banner header section.
  2. Banner Section:
    • Upload a banner image in this section.
  3. Lead-in Text and Background Color:
    • Add overlay text by typing into the Lead-in field.
    • Create a link under the lead-in text:
      • Enter the URL in the URL text box.
      • Specify the link name in the Link Text field.
    • Choose a background color from the Lead-in Background dropdown menu.

      Note: The callout button color matches the lead-in background color.

  4. Callout Link Options:
    • Create circular callout buttons on the right of the overlay text bar.
    • Single Callout:
      • Click Single Link Setting for one large circle callout.
      • Enter the URL and link text in the appropriate fields.
      • (Optional) Select an icon to display above the callout text.
    • Multiple Callouts:
      • Click Multiple Link Settings for 1-3 small callouts.
      • Fill in the desired number of URL and link text fields for the small callout buttons.