Department Events

Screenshot of Department Events widget
Screenshot of the Department Events widget

What is it?

The Department Events widget is a tool to create an automatically generated feed of upcoming events for a given department.

How do I use it?

This feed is generated from the Events you can create within your website in Drupal when you check the "Show on front page" box on the event edit page. In the event edit page, you can also add a summary of the event to appear in the Department Events widget.

Screenshot of the show on front page edit page section
Screenshot of the "Show on Front Page" edit page section

The Department Events widget allows you to include optional "Intro" text that will appear above the widget itself. You must also select the department from which you want to display events.

In addition, you can customize how the events are displayed. The default is three events displayed horizontally as text, as seen in image on the top of this page.  

Each event displays until the end of the calendar day on which it occurs.

Screenshot of Department Events edit page
Screenshot of Department Events edit page

Display options

  • The List Type allows you display events either horizontally or vertically.
  • The Display Options include text date, styled date, location, additional info, and more link. You can choose multiple options by holding down the "Shift" or "Control" button and selecting more. See below for examples of these options.
  • The Number of Items allows you to display a maximum of 12 events in the widget.
  • In the Events Page Link section, you can type in a URL and link text to add a link to your website's Events page. 
  • The Background Style drop-down menu allows you to place a background color behind the events.
  • The Widget Angle drop-down menu will slope the top of the widget left or right.

Vertical Orientation

Default vertical orientation display option
Default vertical orientation display option

Text Date

"Text Date" display option
"Text Date" display option

Styled Date

"Styled Date" display option
"Styled Date" display option


"Location" display option
"Location" display option

Additional Info

"Additional Info" display option
"Additional Info" display option

More Link

"More Link" display option
"More Link" display option